
selling your militaria collection

free militaria



German helmet buyers
have been operating
online since 2007
providing free professional
Militaria valuations.

german helmet buyers

We are always
happy to help you with
the identification of militaria
from all periods.

kuban price

We make sure that
War veterans,
thier widows and families
always get the correct deal
they deserve when selling
to us at
German helmet buyers.com.

Knights Cross of the Iron Cross 22

in fact if we cannot better
any genuine offer you may
have already had it will be a first!

rzm ss dagger

Our valuations are real and
backed up with
the option to sell
directly to us
should you so wish to.

krim shield price

We are not collectors
and would like to point out
that there is a clear distinction 
between collectors
and professionals.

valuation of Nazi Badges

anybody with a buying
or selling website
should not be given
special consideration
based on their claim
of being a collector!

dealers in german iron crosses

Always get a second
opinion before you
agree to sell!



This is the only acceptable proof of



solingen dagger blade

“If you are thinking of selling your military collection you may well have found a destination rather than a middleman!”

Cash Paid Militaria

militaria destination


At German Helmet Buyers.com we offer a unique opportunity for collectors who have dreamed of having their own museum display.

selling bayonets

Our U.K. Militaria Market Store is situated in Arundel high street beside the famous castle.

sussex auctioneers


Cabinets are offered at nominal rents for collectors who wish to start their own business on a month by month basis.



Thousands of visitors enjoy viewing our cabinets and a core of loyal dealers

suggests that  it can be a profitable and enjoyable exercise.

Britain At War Magazine 1

For those of you who have  reached a point where selling your entire collection in one go is a preferred option we are usually happy to pay your asking price and rarely fail to reach agreement.

ww2 luger value

Mixed collections comprising of say medals ,bayonets,headdress and badges are our mainstay however we have handled one medal collection which realised £100,000 and individual German binoculars at £7000 a pair.Ebay the major online auction service has forbidden the listing of WW2 German items to avoid being seen to promote racial hatred . At German Militaria Buyers.com we never sell directly online ,we buy for Museums and advanced ethical investors. By contacting us via email you can be certain that you are dealing with respectful people who believe the following .Articles which were plucked from the battlefields then bought home by returning service personnel should be preserved. Nazi symbols should not be seen outside of a balanced educational display .. Some understanding of how the unimaginable happened in a supposedly civilised country just a generation ago can be derived from a study of militaria .The complex insignia, uniforms and decorations which seduced a desperate people to enlist only to wage a war of brutality then exact genocide on those of a different belief .What is the correct thing to do ? Destroy the evidence? Or preserve it as a warning to future generations ? What ever your thoughts are we must present ourselves as non political history buffs who are willing to pay the correct market price for your War souvenirs.. We make every effort to distance ourselves from the white supremacists and other Neo Nazi organisations who pedal sensitive and often fake merchandise to corrupt young minds openly online . This is a serious history site only we will not sell to you unless you are a registered museum or educational facility.