
Pickelhaube Spiked helmets

German Cross

To Obtain A fast Offer/Free Valuation For Your Pickelhaube Please EMAIL davidmatteybuyer@gmail.com or call +447860747027


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Selling WW2 Souvenirs

Please Note That If  You Are A Seasoned Collector Or Someone Who Has Researched Pickelhaube Prices You May Wish To Include Your Established Acceptance figure In Any Message To German Helmet Buyers.com.

Officers Helmet price

In Most Instances We Will Pay Your Wish Price In Full. We Do Not Haggle When Presented With A Fair Opportunity .We Are Happy To Pay The Market Rate For Your Pickelhaube.


Our objective with this website is to source and deliver fresh items to our displays in our main street store . Set beside the Famous Arundel Castle  “Antiques & Militaria” welcomes thousands of receptive international visitors each year.

Much of our revenue is created through the sale of non antique gift items .

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The big draw however and my personal passion is the growing display of genuine militaria.

Auctioneers recorded Prices Pickelhaube

Pickelhauben remain the most instantly identifiable cultural Icons of the first world war Prussian Infantry 


It is however worth pointing out that prior to unification of Germany all the separate states had their own variety of Pickelhaube .

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The basic leather shell was largely the same, only the helmet plates and cockade identified which region the unit belonged to.

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Mounted troops such “Jager Zu Ferde” had steel shelled helmets with  articulated “Lobster Tail” neck protection.

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The constraints of ballistic shell production lead to the use of steel fitting on all Enlisted Mens Pickelhauben by 1916.

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Equally as leather became scarce pickelhaube helmet shells were produced in felt and in tin by the famous toy manufactures Bing.

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